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This BODY TONING MASK based on the patented BIOMINERAL™ complex is rich in valuable microelements of the rare natural mineral salt from the Darydag (Azerbaijan) thermal spring. The mask features regenerating and stimulating effects; also, it eliminates edema, stagnation of inter-cellular fluid, flabbiness in problem areas, and reduces localized fat deposits. Fits all skin types.


BIOMINERAL™ Complex, Panthenol, Lemon Extract, Rosemary Extract, Passiflora Extract, Nicotinamide, Elastin Hydrolysate, Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate

Apply the mask heated to 37°C in an even thin layer onto your  clean body except the chest area and the head. Apply the pre-cooled mask to your both legs. Once the mask is applied, wrap up in a disposable polythene sheet for 20-30 minutes. Wash the mask off with warm water after. Avoid contact with eyes!